Just remembered that two parts of The Clock Hour will be staged at THE BRANDI BORR COMEDY BASH this coming Monday 2nd June at the Bloomsbury Theatre. Myself and Jeremy from The Real Daniel Show will be on with STEVE MERCHANT, ADAM BLOOM, WE ARE KLANG, SARAH KENDALL, WILL SMITH, MATT KIRSHEN and lots more. I'll probably be compering, too. It's going to be a pretty damn fine event with special guests and weird stuff happening plus all the profits go to BREAST CANCER HAVEN, a very worth-while charity. You can get tickets here but be quick: http://www.thebloomsbury.com/event/run/1190
Also, I'm too scared to go to see Indiana Jones. Is it really as bad as everyone says? Has Lucas Jar-Jarred us again? THIS IS IMPORTANT!
Oh, we have some previews coming up of THE CLOCK HOUR. I'll get the dates in the next few days.
Wednesday, 28 May 2008
Sunday, 25 May 2008
This blog has nothing to do with The Clock Hour. No work has been done on the show (well, not by me anyway) since the last blog and I'm not going to sit here and lie about it. I'm not going to tell you that although The Clock Hour is only half written JJ Abrams has already commissioned a 24 part series to be made or The Dalai Lama has asked if he can be in one of the Nazi Interrogation sketches. That's not true. So just forget it.
The big news of the week for those involved with the Clock Hour is that Russell T. Davies has stepped down as head writer/executive producer of Doctor Who. He is being replaced by Stephen Moffatt, the GREATEST WRITER ON TV EVER (sort of). This is incredible news and will, hopefully, mean that we won't have anymore Daleks invading Manhattan or anymore Voyages of the Kylies or anymore Fucking Martha Fucking Shitty Awful Jones.
The big news of the week for those involved with the Clock Hour is that Russell T. Davies has stepped down as head writer/executive producer of Doctor Who. He is being replaced by Stephen Moffatt, the GREATEST WRITER ON TV EVER (sort of). This is incredible news and will, hopefully, mean that we won't have anymore Daleks invading Manhattan or anymore Voyages of the Kylies or anymore Fucking Martha Fucking Shitty Awful Jones.
clock hour,
Dalai Lama,
Doctor Who,
Dr Who,
Dr. Who,
edinburgh fringe festival,
jj abrams,
Russell T. Davies,
Stephen Moffatt,
the clock hour
Wednesday, 21 May 2008
OK, so nothing really brilliant happened at the meeting. Also, the word "meeting" is pretty much null and void when it comes to us discussing our Edinburgh Show. It's not really a "meeting" if we're just going to drink heavily and discuss what we think a Crystal Spock might look like.

But we MET and that's the main thing. We met at The Blue Posts in Newman Street which has a fantastic new Banksy graffitti right outside it. It's really quite lovely. He really knows how to stick it up The Man. Ben Walker, our very director, joined us and told us how shit we all are and, of course, he's completely right. He must be. He works for Radio 4, for God's sake! He talked us through the entire list of all the sketches we have for the show so far and, I'm very happy to say, that they're all staying in the show! Except the one I wrote. I wouldn't have minded but Ben also approved another sketch that he hasn't even seen. That's how AWFUL my sketch was. Oh, yes.
Actually, I was the one who didn't want it in there. Not that anyone argued with me. It had a few good lines in it ("She's only blind in one eye", "Yes, but she's blind in one eye twice") but that's it. The good news is that my Oscars sketch is now in there. I'm very happy as it's the favouritest thing I've written for the Daniel Show. A rough version (that doesn't make sense) can be seen below
That was made for us by Art War Entertainment. They're good. I'll post more of their videos on here. You'll love the "News Series One DVD" ad they made. You'll LOVE it, I says.
More crap soon. Right, I'm off to hospital. Bye!

But we MET and that's the main thing. We met at The Blue Posts in Newman Street which has a fantastic new Banksy graffitti right outside it. It's really quite lovely. He really knows how to stick it up The Man. Ben Walker, our very director, joined us and told us how shit we all are and, of course, he's completely right. He must be. He works for Radio 4, for God's sake! He talked us through the entire list of all the sketches we have for the show so far and, I'm very happy to say, that they're all staying in the show! Except the one I wrote. I wouldn't have minded but Ben also approved another sketch that he hasn't even seen. That's how AWFUL my sketch was. Oh, yes.
Actually, I was the one who didn't want it in there. Not that anyone argued with me. It had a few good lines in it ("She's only blind in one eye", "Yes, but she's blind in one eye twice") but that's it. The good news is that my Oscars sketch is now in there. I'm very happy as it's the favouritest thing I've written for the Daniel Show. A rough version (that doesn't make sense) can be seen below
That was made for us by Art War Entertainment. They're good. I'll post more of their videos on here. You'll love the "News Series One DVD" ad they made. You'll LOVE it, I says.
More crap soon. Right, I'm off to hospital. Bye!
Monday, 19 May 2008
The First Day of THE CLOCK HOUR
Good day.
I've decided that, if I'm going to blog at all on this here Blogger thing, that I may as well blog about the Edinburgh show I'm working on. I sort of write and perform-ish with a sketch group called The Real Daniel O'Donnell Show once a month at Lowdown @ The Albany, Great Portland Street, London. Anyways, we're taking our brand new show, The Clock Hour, to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival this year and I, for one, am very excited about it. It really is a very, very new show. In as much as we haven't written it yet. Still, we have...er... a week or something until our first preview, so that's fine.
Today is meeting day. I'm pretending that it'll be the first of our The Clock Hour meetings but it isn't really. In fact we tried out some of the new material at the last Daniel Show and some of it worked and some little bits didn't. Titles of sketches so far are Murder, Red Button, Reunion of the Unexpected and Coma. We have lots of other stuff that might make it too but today we'll be concentrating on the filmed sketches that will be thrown into the show somewhere. You can see some of our stuff on youtube, I think. Actually, I just looked and there are LOADS of things from us on Youtube but it MAKES NO SENSE unless you've actually been to our show. There's one sketch that starts off with someone called Grill Linkston winning the Best Actor at the "Arthurs" but he can't be there to recieve his award so he left this very special message....... http://youtube.com/watch?v=ZSn2xIQLZFg
Hopefully, that makes sense. Might not. I really hope something HILARIOUS happens today at the meeting because I really don't want to blog a load of look-at-all-the-hard-work-we're-doing crap that everyone else does. Hopefully, as this goes on, it'll just be stupid. I like stupid. In the meantime, here's a picture that is NOT the poster to our show. Enjoy.
I've decided that, if I'm going to blog at all on this here Blogger thing, that I may as well blog about the Edinburgh show I'm working on. I sort of write and perform-ish with a sketch group called The Real Daniel O'Donnell Show once a month at Lowdown @ The Albany, Great Portland Street, London. Anyways, we're taking our brand new show, The Clock Hour, to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival this year and I, for one, am very excited about it. It really is a very, very new show. In as much as we haven't written it yet. Still, we have...er... a week or something until our first preview, so that's fine.
Today is meeting day. I'm pretending that it'll be the first of our The Clock Hour meetings but it isn't really. In fact we tried out some of the new material at the last Daniel Show and some of it worked and some little bits didn't. Titles of sketches so far are Murder, Red Button, Reunion of the Unexpected and Coma. We have lots of other stuff that might make it too but today we'll be concentrating on the filmed sketches that will be thrown into the show somewhere. You can see some of our stuff on youtube, I think. Actually, I just looked and there are LOADS of things from us on Youtube but it MAKES NO SENSE unless you've actually been to our show. There's one sketch that starts off with someone called Grill Linkston winning the Best Actor at the "Arthurs" but he can't be there to recieve his award so he left this very special message....... http://youtube.com/watch?v=ZSn2xIQLZFg
Hopefully, that makes sense. Might not. I really hope something HILARIOUS happens today at the meeting because I really don't want to blog a load of look-at-all-the-hard-work-we're-doing crap that everyone else does. Hopefully, as this goes on, it'll just be stupid. I like stupid. In the meantime, here's a picture that is NOT the poster to our show. Enjoy.

Sunday, 18 May 2008
My First Time.
This is my first blog on blogger.com but not my first blog ever in the world ever. I normally (or at least, I used to) blog at myspace.com/michaellegge but I decided, as I was getting back to blogging, I might post my little tiny thoughts here too. I only decided to join up here because I thought Dean Ween blogged here. It turns out that he doesn't. I think Howard Read and Jamie Mathieson do though so that's nice. Anyhoo, here's the last couple of blogs I posted at myspace.com/michaellegge for your consideration. Hope to have more very soon. Bye bye!
posted at www.myspace.com/michaellegge on 12th May 2008
Hello, dears.
I just looked through a few of my past blogs. I thought they were alright. Think I should start blogging again? Maybe I will. Actually, I've got a great TRUE story of how I once ended up with Madonna's pubes in my mouth. that's not a lie. It's true. and, yes, it was THE Madonna. (But not THEE Madonna, as Jesus would bollock my face in). So next time I blog I'll probably blog about that.
Anyways, before I blog properly please check out this blog http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=36701661&blogID=393247291
It contains very important information that you'll need to know. Hope to see ABSOLUTELY all of you on wednesday.
Love, Michael D. Legge, esq.
PS. what happened to the "What I'm Listening To" feature? I liked that.
posted at www.myspace.com/michaellegge on 17th May 2008
Whoo-hoo! We had 8 whole days of sunshine IN A ROW! And now it's back to dear old British slate-grey cloud again. Some of you will, of course, be deeply dissappointed to see that the sun has taken his hat off but not me. Being a ginger, the sun doesn't always agree with me. In fact, it constantly disagrees with me. I really liked Iron Man, the sun HATED it. Stupid sun.
When you are a ginger haired person you have to be very careful weather-wise. I normally get sunburned from the moon so I always wear factor 785 which is a blend of aloe vera and a big coat. Luckily, I'm a secret ginger. You wouldn't really know that I was ginger at all unless you drew the short straw and saw me naked. My hair might not be that red but downstairs...? Well, my testicles look like a very pretty Mick Hucknall, that's all I'm saying, guv, blimey.
Hmmm...that story was mainly about my pubes and not Madonna's pubes AGAIN. Promise to tell you all about me and Madonna's pubes next time. Until next time. Good days.
This is my first blog on blogger.com but not my first blog ever in the world ever. I normally (or at least, I used to) blog at myspace.com/michaellegge but I decided, as I was getting back to blogging, I might post my little tiny thoughts here too. I only decided to join up here because I thought Dean Ween blogged here. It turns out that he doesn't. I think Howard Read and Jamie Mathieson do though so that's nice. Anyhoo, here's the last couple of blogs I posted at myspace.com/michaellegge for your consideration. Hope to have more very soon. Bye bye!
posted at www.myspace.com/michaellegge on 12th May 2008
Hello, dears.
I just looked through a few of my past blogs. I thought they were alright. Think I should start blogging again? Maybe I will. Actually, I've got a great TRUE story of how I once ended up with Madonna's pubes in my mouth. that's not a lie. It's true. and, yes, it was THE Madonna. (But not THEE Madonna, as Jesus would bollock my face in). So next time I blog I'll probably blog about that.
Anyways, before I blog properly please check out this blog http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=36701661&blogID=393247291
It contains very important information that you'll need to know. Hope to see ABSOLUTELY all of you on wednesday.
Love, Michael D. Legge, esq.
PS. what happened to the "What I'm Listening To" feature? I liked that.
posted at www.myspace.com/michaellegge on 17th May 2008
Whoo-hoo! We had 8 whole days of sunshine IN A ROW! And now it's back to dear old British slate-grey cloud again. Some of you will, of course, be deeply dissappointed to see that the sun has taken his hat off but not me. Being a ginger, the sun doesn't always agree with me. In fact, it constantly disagrees with me. I really liked Iron Man, the sun HATED it. Stupid sun.
When you are a ginger haired person you have to be very careful weather-wise. I normally get sunburned from the moon so I always wear factor 785 which is a blend of aloe vera and a big coat. Luckily, I'm a secret ginger. You wouldn't really know that I was ginger at all unless you drew the short straw and saw me naked. My hair might not be that red but downstairs...? Well, my testicles look like a very pretty Mick Hucknall, that's all I'm saying, guv, blimey.
Hmmm...that story was mainly about my pubes and not Madonna's pubes AGAIN. Promise to tell you all about me and Madonna's pubes next time. Until next time. Good days.
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